Philippine Amalgamated Supermarket Association Incorporated
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Social Outreach on PAGASA's 20th Year PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 12 September 2006
One of PAGASA's 20th Year activity is the Social Outreach Program with Orphans and Streetchildren. Led by Ms. Patricia Bermudez-Hizon, sportscaster/better half of Basketball Star Vince Hizon and the founder of �Everyday is Your Birthday Foundation,� PAGASA treated 400 children from Hospicio de San Jose, House of Refuge, White Cross, Paco Settlement and other charitable institutions to a afternoon of fun at the Adidas Sportskamp at the Fort. PAGASA (in green) was joined by its newest member from Commonwealth Ave. Supermarket on this occasion. Various basketball personalities and celebrities helped out on 9 September 2006 to make it a day of fun and giving.
Last Updated ( Saturday, 15 March 2008 )
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