Thursday, 20 September 2012 |
 PAGASA’s STC was invited as a guest to a live Cable TV Show called “Practical Business” on 20 Sept. 2012 at the studios of the Global News Network (GNN). It is hosted by veteran newcaster Miguel Gil. The other guest is Mr. Luna Go of the Textile Assn. of the Phils. Topic was the state of the Phil. supermarket and textile industry as well as the issue on plastic bags. GNN is seen in HK, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and the Philippines. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 January 2021 )
FGD on Tax Administration in the Phils. |
Monday, 17 September 2012 |
 PAGASA was invited to attend a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the Revenue Admin. Reform Project (RARP), a study of the Millennium Challenge Account-Phils. (a U.S. -funded project) to improve effectiveness of tax administration and indirectly, to enable government to raise additional revenues to support the country’s development projects and effort to fight poverty. This was held on 17 Sept. 2013 and handled by the Social Weather Station as commissioned by the BIR at the Philippine Social Services Center of the University of the Philippines. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 January 2021 )
"Penalty Charged on Plastic Bags" |
Sunday, 09 September 2012 |
At t he height of a little controversy in implementation and some confusion in execution on the P2 penalty charged to QC customers who do not bring their own reusable bag/s or used plastic bag/s (for retailers to collect and surrender to plastic recyclers) when they shop, Saleema Refran catches up with PAGASA's STC on a Sunday>9/9/12 morning at the Centris Station while the latter was doing some weekend shopping with the family. Discussion centered on the strict compliance of said QC Ordinance in public/wet markets and flea markets (temporary tiangges). The penalty was observed beginning 1 Sept. 2012. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 January 2021 )
Food & Drinks Asia at the World Trade Center |
Thursday, 06 September 2012 |
PAGASA was invited to grace the opening of Food & Drinks Asia at the World Trade Center on 6 Sept. 2012. Together with STC (L-R) is Josephine P. Miranda/EVP of LNA Mgt. Grp. Corp.>organizer of the Show, PASI's Carlos V. Cabochan; Chef Roberto P. Francisco/Pres.-Hotel & Restaurant Chefs Assn. of the Phils.; PhilExport Pres. Sergio R. Luis-Ortiz, Jr.; Dir. Leandro H. Gazmin of DA's Agribusiness & Marketing Assitance Service and Mr. Raul Robles from the office of Pasay Congresswoman Calixto. Mr. Miguel Romero Salas/Pres.>Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the Phils.(leftmost) and guests from Mexico joined in the ribbon-cutting. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 January 2021 )