Philippine Amalgamated Supermarket Association Incorporated
About Us
Stakeholders' Meeting on Chicken Supply
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
PAGASA attends the stakeholders’ meeting on chicken supply and prices at the office of the Dept. of Agriculture (DA) where DA Sec. Proceso Alcala (with yellow watch) personally chaired. With him at the head table are (L-R) Livestock Development Council Dir. Manuel Jarmin, Asec. Salvador Salacup and Bureau of Animal Industry Dir. Efren Nuestro. The Sec. decided against the setting of a Reference Rate for the price of chicken to allow free market forces to take care of this. Supply was reported ample until end of the year.
Last Updated ( Monday, 08 August 2011 )
Possibility of Argentine Imports to the Country
Thursday, 23 June 2011
The new Economic Minister of the Embassy of the Argentine Republic Jaime J. Goldaracena (left) explores opportunities for the possibility of Argentine imports to the country selling on supermarket shelves like Brazilian corned beef.
Last Updated ( Monday, 08 August 2011 )
PAGASA 2Q General Meeting
Thursday, 23 June 2011
PAGASA holds its 2Q General Meeting at a restaurant along Shaw Blvd. to discuss the current trends in the industry as well as plan for the upcoming Silver Anniversary event at the World Trade Center on 2 Sept. 2011.
Last Updated ( Monday, 08 August 2011 )
Wreath-laying Ceremonies at the Rizal Monument
Sunday, 19 June 2011
PAGASA President STC was invited to the wreath-laying ceremonies at the Rizal monument on the occasion of the National Heroes 150th Birth Anniversary. He takes the opportunity to have a shot taken with the old ladies who idolize Rizal and together with Corp. Sec. Roy Chua, has a shot taken with the 4th, 5th and 6th level descendants of the National Hero himself.
Last Updated ( Monday, 08 August 2011 )
Congressional Committee on Ecology
Wednesday, 01 June 2011
The Congressional Committee on Ecology
winded up its years of consultative meetings by finalizing the Draft for the Bill Regulating the Use of Plastic Bags on 1 June 2011. All 17 Congressmen who sponsored the various bills that were consolidated into this one being deliberated upon attended the session. One of the prominent features of this Bill incorporates PAGASA’ s suggestion to charge all customers a token/minimum of P1.00 for every new plastic bag used IF customer does not bring his own eco-bag or does not bring used plastic bags in exchange for the new ones used for the groceries he purchased. Supermarkets, as volunteered by PAGASA, will act as collection points for recyclers to recover clean used plastic bags. The P1.00 must be charged by all supermarkets to assure a level playing field and to make it a bit painful on the pockets of consumers if they do not do their share in sustainable development by bringing in used plastic bags to help build a recycling industry.
Last Updated ( Monday, 08 August 2011 )
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